Product is a bundle of all kinds of satisfaction that offer in the form of economic utilities to satisfying the group of consumers. The product may be in the form: 

  • Goods such as any visible object like Pen, Book, Raw Material etc
  •  Ideas such as Fast-food, Traffic solutions, Medical Transcription etc
  • Services such as Transportation, Tourism, Medical, Legal, etc 
  • Organizations such as Service and Economic organizations 
  • Persons such as Musicians, Recreations, Agents and middlemen’s etc. 
  • Places such as Tourist spots, Pilgrim centers. 

 Product Classification 

Consumer and Industrial Goods  

Consumer goods are those which are meant for the consumption or final use of consumers. For Ex: Eatable, Automobiles, Household product and applications etc 

Industrial goods are those which are used by business as inputs for further commercial processing. For Ex: Raw Materials, Spare parts, Machineries, etc  

Durable and Non-Durable or Perishable 

Durable such long-life product for the use long period for the both consumption and commercial purposes.

Non – Durable or Perishable such short life product can utilized for the consumption and commercial purposes for a short period of time. 

Convenience, Shopping and Specialty Goods

Convenience goods are those product which are brought into within the minimum efforts at short time and convenience location. For Ex: Drugs and Medicines and Provisions etc.

Shopping goods are those where consumer devote considerable time in making selection before they purchase. For Ex: Electronic items and Automobiles, etc.

Specialty goods are those which enjoy certain special features and special efforts for purchase. For Ex: Land and Building, Investments, etc

Product Strategies 

  • Product Mix or Product Portfolio 
  • Product Line
  • Product Life Cycle 
  • Product Planning
  • Product Development
  • Product Branding, Packing and Packaging
  • Product Labeling  

Product Mix or Product Portfolio

Is the list of all the products with different product lines offered for sale by a particular organization For Ex: HUL in the FMCG Segment. It has three dimensions such as Breadth, Depth and Consistency. 

Breadth (Width) refers Variety of product manufactured by organizations. For Ex: Automobiles from Honda company.  

Depth (Assortment) refers to the attributes or features of the product such as Size, Colour, Styles, and Models etc. For Ex: Two Wheelers from Honda Company with different CC engines, Colour combinations, Different gears, etc 

Consistency refers close relationship of various product lines. For Ex: Two wheelers for Ladies and Gents.  

Product Line refers a Group of closely related products which are enabling to satisfy a class of people within a given price range and distribution channels. For Ex: Product Line adopted by Hindustan Unilever Limited such as Hair Care, Skin Care, Tooth Care, Wash Care, Water Purifying etc. Under this, the marketer has to adopt certain practices such as Contraction, Expansion, etc 

Contraction refers deleting the existing product from the product line due to poor performance of the products 

Expansion refers adding the new product for existing product line. It is strategy used by marketers to capture new marketing opportunities. 


Is a strategy to predict the product over a period of time in the market environment in terms of several stages such as Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. In other words, it refers the graphical representation of the product sales history from the time of introduction to decline or withdrawn in terms of Sales, Cost of production, Profit, Competition, promotion, etc. 

Stages in Product Life Cycle 

Introduction: Under this stage a product introducing first time in the market. The product is promoted to create awareness in the minds of consumers, The sales level is at low rate, High cost of production due to lower production, profit not exist and high promotion expenses. 

Growth: Under this stage the product acceptable by the consumers. Therefore, sales at increasing trend with small amount of profit. On account of competitor’s price become more flexible, distribution channels are expanded and also need high promotional expenses. The stage is also called as Break – Even Stage, where total cost is equal to revenue. If any excess revenue over cost treated as profit 

Maturity or Saturation: It is the longest stage of the product. Under this the product becomes more mature and stable in the market with sales in increasing trend. Sufficient profit, intense competition and more substitute available in the market. Hence the marketer or producer has to concentrate more on product modification, affordable price, extended distributed channel, brand loyalty of the product. 

Decline: Is a stage where product are become obsolete or producer withdraw the product form market. Sales are decreasing gradually, more competition, profit decreasing, cost of product in the increasing trend because low production. At this stage price become the primary weapon of competition and considerably reduce expenditure on advertising and sales promotion. Cost control becomes the key to generate profits. 

Graphical Representation of Product Life Cycle 

Product Planning 

Is the systematic determination of the product line in terms of various products to be offered by the enterprise to his customers. It is designed to achieve some of the specific objectives of the organization. Such as: 

Meet the consumer needs and requirements

Assess firm and product SWOT Analysis 

Better allocation of marketing resources 

Help for the organization to survive the market

Generate sufficient sales etc

Basic Components of Product Planning

Innovation: Is the process of the adoption of new idea, product or services or process which prospectively useful to extract the commercial benefits. 

Diversification: Refers product expansion in terms of Depth and Width. Depth in terms of changes in product attributes. Width refers to number of products in the Product line

Standardization: Refers limiting the variety of products offered for the sale and implies the standardize feature for the product. It provides limited choice and more clarity for the consumers. 

Deletion or Elimination: Refers deleting the product from the product line due to ineffective, strong substitute in the market, decline in the sales trend etc.

New Product Development 

New Product Development  refers to a product, that is new to the company introducing to market or any product that consumer treat as an addition to the available choices could be consider as new idea. It taken place in the following ways: 

Any addition to the existing product line 

Improved performance of product 

New product line 

Cost reductions 

New to the world market 

Reposting in the product  

Steps in New Product Development 

 Step 1 - Idea Generation: It may happened by internal and external sources. Internal sources include R& D Department, Employees, Agent and Middlemen’s. External sources includes from any sources other than internal sources such as Consumer, government, Companies etc 

Step 2 - Idea Screening: After gathering ideas from a variety of sources are evaluated by review committee to provide the required market validation to ensure they meet customer need and wants. 

Step 3 – Business Analysis: Under this stage the producer should determine Break Even Point (BEP), Return on Investment (ROI), Cash Flows, Pay out ration etc to evaluate business effects on the product. 

Step 4 – Product Development: Under this stage the producer is try to describe the Technical Aspect such as Product Specification, Product method etc. Marketing Aspects such as Branding, Packaging, labeling, etc. 

Step 5 – Test Marketing: Is the actual conduct of marketing of the product with in limited areas or location for the short period to test the acceptability from the consumers. Essentials of test marketing are Responsiveness, Demographic validation, Competition, Profit project etc. 

Step 6 – Commercialization:  Refers the actual introduction of the product in the market. Under this stage the product enters the market with large scale production, distribution, advertising and sales promotion. 

Reasons for the Failure of New Products

Poor demand management 

Changes in consumer taste and preferences 

Changes in environmental factors 

Low profitability 

Unattractive features 

Wrong segmentation and targeting 

Weak positioning strategy 

Distribution related problems 

Bad pricing strategies  



Brand is an identity of the marketer that allows consumers recognize the maker of the product. Trade Mark is the legal term for the Brand Name. A registered brand is the exclusive property of the seller. The letter “R” in a circle on each package will indicate that the brand is duly registered.   

The term brand is broadly applied to all identifying market such a trade names, trademarks, trade symbols, picture, design, of the package, distinctive coloring or lettering with or without some attractive slogan.  

Branding is a process of through which a marketer creates a unique name and image for the product in the consumers mind through marketing communication. In other words, is the process of determining the brand with consideration Company Objectives and product features and Target Consumers.    

Brand Equity refers to the value of a brand to an organization in terms of Commercial benefits. That increases reputation and goodwill of an organization. 

Importance or Benefits of Banding of the product 

It helps for Product Identification 

It helps the consumer to perceive (Understanding) the product  

It creates Consumer Loyalty 

Helps for compete with other products 

Enhance revenues and market shares

Enhance the Retailers Loyalty

Provide Unique and differentiated image for the company 

Creates name and reputation for the company  

Essentials of Good Brand

Suggest the product benefits

Help for visual interpretation 

Registered and protected legally

It should not depends on temporary 

General and common name of the products

It should Unique, Attractive and Distinctive. 

Branding Strategies or Types 

Corporate Branding – Refers to use of company’s names as product brand name in order to associate credibility of established company for the product. For Ex: Reliance includes the word “Reliance” in the name of many offerings. It’s also called as Family branding and umbrella branding. 

Individual Branding – Refers to use of unique brand name for each product offered by a company in order to provide a separate image and identity. For Ex: HUL for its product such as Lifeboy, Lux, Rexsona, Dove, Clinic Plus, Pepsodent etc.  

Multi Branding – Refers to use of different brand names for two or more mutually competing products offered by a company.  For Ex: Honda Company a Two Wheeler manufacturer are producing product in different name such as Dream Yuga, Honda Shine, Honda Unicorn, etc. It is a strategy used by an organization to promote internal competition between the products. 

Range Branding – Refers to use of different ranges of product in effect creating a family or product offered by a company. For Ex: Nataraj a Stationery, Lakmi a Cosmetics, Jhonson and Jhonson a Baby products, etc. 

Private Branding – Refers selling of products by the manufacturer in bulk to large distribution channel member with freedom use their own brand for the product. For Ex: Metro Cash and Carry, Bigbazzer, Electronics, etc. 

Generic Branding -   Refers selling of a product without brand name and they are usually sold at the lowest price possible as there are no promotional expenses involved. For Ex: Bread, Milk, Juice and Chicken item etc.   

Packing and Packaging 

Packing or Package is the term refers to provide a place for the product in the Container or Wrapper. It provides protection, facilities to product use, and storage, and communicates certain information’s.    

Packaging is the process of designing and producing the container or wrapper for the product with certain marketing objectives of the organizations. It also includes package factors. 

Needs or Importance or Benefits 

Protection and preservation 

Logistic Efficiency (In terms of Loading and Unloading, Handling the products) 

Provide relevant information about the product as well as producer

Convenience for consumer for the time of purchase 

Enhance the product Image

Support for product Identification 

It create better Product Positioning in the market 

It helps for product promotion   

Types of Packaging 

Family Packaging – Refers package for closely resemble products with same design. It provide similar visuals for the all the products. It can be in terms of colour combination produced by a company for a group of consumers. 

Multiple Packaging – Refers to offer a range of distinctive package configurations in basket, Wrap-style and enclosed cartons, combined, with innovative storage and dispensing features. For Ex: Johnson’s New born baby girl package with Baby Towel, Pampers 24 piece with Johnson’s baby Powder, Oil, Shampoo, Cream, Soap, Brush, etc. 

Reuse Packaging – Refers to a package can be reused after consumption of the product. It may construct of durable materials such Metal, Plastic, Wood, Fiber, etc. 

Ecological Packaging – Refers the package which offers environmentally responsible package for the product. The goal of ecology packaging is to sell functional products that raise awareness and inspire individuals to change the way they see the world and to provide the consumer better ways to save energy and planet. 


It refers an attractive small piece of paper, Fabric, Plastic or similar material that is a part of package to indentify Producers, Use, Nature, Intergradient, Distinction etc. In India Food and Safety Authority of India under the guidance of Minister of Health and Family Welfare to give proper direction for packaging for agriculture goods. 

Needs or Functions or Benefits 

Identifies the product or Brand     

Describe the product features, qualitative aspects

It provides instructions for the use, store, and dispose the product

Describe the contents

Facilitate exchange offers.

Communicates warranty and Guarantees of the product 

Meet the Legal Compliance