Natural environment refers to combination of natural resources which is used by business as inputs and affects their marketing activities. This includes use of raw materials from nature for producing goods. All agricultural inputs are also used in manufacturing, not only this; machineries used in business are also made from metals of nature. A business unit needs energy in the form of gas or diesel oil or electricity for all its activities which come from nature. However, in the recent years unlimited use of natural resources has resulted in natural environment changes. In many parts of the world air and water pollution have reached alarming levels. There is a great concern about global warming, floods, famines, tsunami and earthquake. Therefore, marketers need to be aware of the threats and opportunities associated with the natural environment and it is the duty of business to protect this natural environment. Before starting marketing operations an organization has to evaluate the following aspects of natural environment.

Geographical Location

An important aspect in marketing is the identification of ideal geographical location. The study of geographical location becomes important to assess the availability of raw materials, concentration of the best potential customers, physical features of an area such as roads, water and other materials that may be needed to produce or sell a product.

Availability of resource

Availability of required resources plays a crucial role in marketing. Marketing operations involve massive investment in capital expenditure and therefore availability of required resources for marketing need to be considered to achieve good profits. One basic reason for India emerging as a BPO & IT hub is mainly because of availability of skilled employees at a cheaper price.

Access to natural resources

Natural resources are materials that are available in the natural environment that are considered valuable in their relatively natural form such as oil, fresh water, minerals or land. Some natural resources are non – renewable and some can be renewed. Natural resources cannot be created, so a firm has an advantage if it operates in a country where these resources exist. Firms can obtain natural resources, however by entering new countries they can. For ex: many foreign oil companies have entered Middle Eastern countries to access their oil reserves.

Concern for environment

Use of certain products can inevitably damage the natural environment. Further these days government across the globe are keen on focusing on natural environment protection as a result of which marketers are under pressure to not to use harmful materials, cut hazardous waste, reduce energy use, and improve product recycling in its operations. Therefore, an increased focus on environment issues, has contributed to a rise in the demand for environment friendly products and services.

Increased energy cost

We are living in an industrial civilization which functions on energy, without energy modern life would cease to exist. In the present context energy resources are essential for all economic activities like agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, IT, Communications. However increased use of energy resources has resulted in severe problems and challenges. Ex: Global warming. Further the cost of energy resources is also continuously increasing for various reasons and therefore companies are searching for alternative means of energy such as solar, nuclear, wind, and other forms of energy