MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING (MA) Syllabus MBA Bangalore University



COURSE OBJECTIVES                                                                                                           60 Hours

1. To enable the students to obtain knowledge about the concepts of accounting principles, techniques of accounting and to introduce students to modern accounting software and IFRS.

2. The syllabus also contains the practical components of the subject which enable the students gain more practical knowledge under each module.


1. To familiarize the students with financial statements and principles underlying them and to develop their skills in reading Annual Reports. To lay a foundation for developing student's skills in interpreting financial statements

2. To familiarise the students with cost records / statements and principles underlying them and to develop their skills in understanding and appreciating cost information. To develop an appreciation about the utility of cost information as a vital input for management information and decision making process

MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING                                             08 Hours

Purpose and objectives of accounting information Uses and users of accounting information

Branches of accounting - Basic terminology in accounting - GAAP and the accounting environment - Accounting Concepts and Conventions

MODULE 2: RECORDING ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS                                                 16 Hours

Concept of Double Entry System Basic knowledge of Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger- subsidiary books, Trial Balance (Theory and Problems), reconciliation statement An overview of Accounting Standards in India - Preparation of Final accounts - Income statement and Balance sheet (Problems on Vertical method)


Accounting for Tangible & Intangible Assets: Fixed Assets (AS-10) and Depreciation(AS-6) Inventory Valuation(AS-2): Valuation of Goodwill

Module 4: Analysing and Interpreting Financial Statements                                             12 Hours

Objectives of financial statements analysis, sources of information, standards of comparision, quality of earnings, techniques of financial statement analysis, analysing financial statements using ratio analysis, cash flow statement, understanding annual reports and earnings relations

MODULE 5: COSTING                                                                                                            08 Hours

Meaning- Classification of Cost Cost Sheet-cost reduction techniques, standard costing-Marginal

Costing -CVP and BEP analysis (problems)- Budgetary Control Types of budget Problems on Flexible budget and Cash budget only.

MODULE 6: EMERGING TRENDS                                                                                         04 Hours

IFRS Inflation accounting Human Resource Accounting -Responsibility Accounting- Forensic Accounting - Environmental Accounting Corporate Social Reporting- Carbon Accounting. (Only



1. Prepare a chart of accounting cycle

2. prepare a specimen of journal, ledger and trial balance

3. Analyse any one MNC company P&L account and balance sheet

4. Draw cost sheet for manufacturing a product

5. Preparation of budget for a company

6. Preparing BEP analysis for a new product of a company


1. Narayanaswamy. R, "Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective", Prentice Hall of India(PHI)

2. Paresh Shah, "Basic Financial Accounting For Management", Oxford University Press

3. Ramachandran, N. & Kakani, R.K., "Financial Accounting for Management", Tata McGraw Hill.

4. Godwin/Alderman/Sanyal, "Financial ACCT: A South-Asian Perspective", Cengage Learning.

5. Bhattacharya, S.K "Accounting for Management: Text and Cases", Vikas Publishing House

6. M.N. Arora, "Accounting for Managers", Himalaya Publications

7. Bhattacharya, H., "How to Read a Balance Sheet: Adapted to Indian laws & requirements", Oxford and IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd

REFERENCE BOOKS (Latest Editions)

1. Shankarnarayan/Ramanath, "Financial Accounting for Management", Cengage Learning

2. Grewal, T.S. Introduction to Accounting. S. Chand & Company, New Delhi

3. Horngren, Charles T., Sundem, Gary L., Elliott, John. A and Philbrick, Donna, "Introduction to Financial Accounting", Prentice Hall International Inc, Englewood Cliffs

4. Gupta, Ambrish, "Financial Accounting for Management: An Analytical Perspective" Pearson Education

5. Maheswari & Maheswari, "Accounting for Managers", Vikas Publishing

6. Anthony, "Robert N. et al. Accounting: Text and Cases", Tata McGraw Hill

7. M Hanif, A Mukherjee, "Financial Accounting", McGraw Hill Education

8. Tulsian and Tulsian, "Financial Reporting", S.Chand