Is a set of activities designed to inform and persuade consumers about the products or services offered for sale by the marketer.  It includes various tools like Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion and Publicity etc.  

The promotion is represented by the elements such as Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion and Publicity etc. It is also called as “Promotion Mix” 

Objectives of Promotion 

  • Create Awareness about products
  • Educate the consumer 
  • Motivate or induce the customer to buy the products
  • Convert prospective consumer into Actual consumer
  • Create an Image for the company and products 
  • Create the strong perception in the minds of consumers
  • Control and regulate the competition 
  • Motivates all other parties involves in the process of Marketing

Elements or Methods or Medias of Promotion Mix/ Promotional Mix Strategies 


Is a favorable presentation of ideas, goods or services that offer from a marketer in order to make customers and general public aware and induce them to buy the product. 

According to American Marketing Association “Any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by an Indentified Sponsor”.  

Medias or Methods of Advertising

Electronic Medias                                                      

  • Radio                                                                           
  • Television                                                                   
  • Computer/Internet                                                      
  • Mobile Technologies                                      
  • Electronic Sign and Bulletin Boards
  • Cinema Theatres
  • Cable TV
  • Discs
  • Tele Marketing                                                        

Print Medias 

  • News Papers (for a Day)
  • Magazines (for 15 Days)
  • Journals (for a Month)
  • Publication (Once in a year)
  • Catalogues 
  • Prospectus 
  • Pamphlets and Posters
  • Mailers
  • Street Furnitures 

The analysis of the above method is explained with the help of following points such as: 

  • Cost Effectiveness
  • Level of Motivation 
  • Forms of Message
  • Life of the media 
  • Flexibility in presenting the information 
  • Exposure 
  • Attractions 
  • Convenience of the Consumers   
  • Scope of the Media 
  • Quality of the Message 

Advantages of Advertising 

  • Helps in Promotion 
  • Assist channel partners 
  • Brand Awareness 
  • Encourage the Sales and salesmen’s
  • Create employment opportunities 
  • Can be reach large no of Customer  

Disadvantages of Advertising

  • It increases the product cost 
  • Misleads the consumers 
  • It increases the stupidity of consumers
  • Create unwanted desire in the minds of Consumers
  • Encourage Monopolistic competition 
  • Waste of National resources   
  • One way communication 

Personal Selling or Salesmanship

Is a direct form of communication between company responsiveness and a customer to communicate about a product or service. Under this Salesmen and consumer meet face to face with each other’s.  The sales people or Company representatives should be equipped with expertise, appearance, and specialist product knowledge to answer the questions. 

Types of Personal Selling or Levels of Salesmanship 

  • Industrial Salesman – Represent by a company with sufficient information about particular goods to connivance and induce the Consumer. 
  • Merchant Salesman – Represents salesmanship at the resale level 
  • Customer Salesman – At the retail level for selling all types of consumer goods to customer in the store  


  • Direct form of selling 
  • Two-way communication 
  • Quicker feedback
  • Cost Effective
  • High level adoptability 
  • Provide flexibility 
  • Individual Attention 

Sales Promotion

A set of collection of incentives, tools, designed to stimulate quicker and greater purchase of particular product or Services. The sales promotion activities attempts to provide added value or incentives to consumers also other members of distribution channel 

Methods and Techniques of Sales Promotion 

  • Allowance, Discount and Deals – These are conditional benefits offered for quantity purchases or for advertising the manufacturer’s product for carrying a special product display.  For Ex: Metro Cash and Carry Discounts. 
  • Loyalty Programs – Are also called as frequent buyer programs, rewards who engage in repeat purchases. For Ex: Benefits provide by Credit Card Companies 
  • Point of Purchase Promotion – Displays and demonstrations, in store exhibits designed to induce impulse purchases 
  • Samples – Fee Samples to stimulate trial of a product, this could in the form of food, bottles or packs of the product. 
  • Vouchers and Coupons – A coupon is certificates that entitle the bearer to get rebate on the price of a product. Some these are printed or inserted on newspapers and magazines, on packs.   
  • Contest and Prize Draws – Consumer contest and lucky prize draws or scratch cards, chance to win cash, trips are offered to customer if they purchase something. 
  • Premiums – This can in the form of gift or buy one get one or more free deals. 
  • Exchange Offers – This includes buying new merchandise by offering a used product plus some amount to compensate the value of new merchandise. 
  • Publicity – Is the unpaid communication about an organization that appears in the mass media. It’s more powerful to building credibility (Goodwill) and awareness of marketers and consumers. They are many forms of Publicities such as:  
    • News articles and Interview (Photo Journalism) 
    • Experts Quotes
    • Self- Authorized stories
    • Documentary programs in Medias 
    • Social Networking  

Public Relations

Is a marketing communication factions intended to collaborate and build relationship with publics including stakeholders and government. The person one who engaged in this activity is called a Public Relation Officer (PRO) 

Types of Public Relations

  • Press Release 
  • Investor Relations 
  • Speeches 
  • Media Relations
  • Sponsorships 
  • Public Service Activities