New Product Development refers to a product, that is new to the company introducing to market or any product that consumer treat as an addition to the available choices could be consider as new idea. It taken place in the following ways: 

  • Any addition to the existing product line 
  • Improved performance of product 
  • New product line 
  • Cost reductions 
  • New to the world market 
  • Reposting in the product  

Steps in New Product Development 

 Step 1 - Idea Generation: It may happened by internal and external sources. Internal sources include R& D Department, Employees, Agent and Middlemen’s. External sources includes from any sources other than internal sources such as Consumer, government, Companies etc 

Step 2 - Idea Screening: After gathering ideas from a variety of sources are evaluated by review committee to provide the required market validation to ensure they meet customer need and wants. 

Step 3 – Business Analysis: Under this stage the producer should determine Break Even Point (BEP), Return on Investment (ROI), Cash Flows, Pay out ration etc to evaluate business effects on the product. 

Step 4 – Product Development: Under this stage the producer is try to describe the Technical Aspect such as Product Specification, Product method etc. Marketing Aspects such as Branding, Packaging, labeling, etc. 

Step 5 – Test Marketing: Is the actual conduct of marketing of the product with in limited areas or location for the short period to test the acceptability from the consumers. Essentials of test marketing are Responsiveness, Demographic validation, Competition, Profit project etc. 

Step 6 – Commercialization:  Refers the actual introduction of the product in the market. Under this stage the product enters the market with large scale production, distribution, advertising and sales promotion. 

Reasons for the Failure of New Products

  • Poor demand management 
  • Changes in consumer taste and preferences 
  • Changes in environmental factors 
  • Low profitability 
  • Unattractive features 
  • Wrong segmentation and targeting 
  • Weak positioning strategy 
  • Distribution related problems 
  • Bad pricing strategies