Customer Relationship Management

 Customer relationship management (CRM) is a business strategy intended towards understanding, interacting, anticipate and respond to the needs of current and potential customers using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes.

  In other words CRM describes the strategy that a company uses to handle customer interactions.

                        The e-CRM or electronic customer relationship management concept is derived from ecommerce. (e-CRM) involves use of hardware and use of new web-based technologies to handle customer interactions.


1.   To facilitate marketing and sales process.

2.   To provide better customer service.

3.   To attract new customers and increase revenue.

4.   To cross sell products more effectively.

5.   Lowering operations cost by using CRM technology.

6.   To create better and consistent customer experience.

7.   Understand customer needs better and maintain long-term relation.


1.   CRM strategies helps in winning customer loyalty and confidence.

2.   Aids in providing personalized products & services to customers.

3.   Acquiring better knowledge of customers and their buying habits.

4.   Profiling of individual customers is possible & this helps in segmentation.

5.   Can be used as an effective tool against global competition.

6.   Developing better communication channels.

7.   CRM system will also help in expanding business operations.

8.   CRM helps in coping with the increased numbers of customers & data.


1.   Companies adopting & initiating CRM.

2.   Customers, suppliers and other marketing channel partners of those companies.

3.   Vendors of CRM software: E.g.: Oracle, SAP

4.   CRM application service providers or software service providers.

5.   Vendors of CRM hardware and infrastructure.

6.   Management consultants.


1.   Develop CRM strategy

2.   Building basic framework for CRM initiatives.

3.   Need specification and partner selection.

4.   Project implementation

5.   Evaluation of performance.


CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is the newest and the most innovative innovations of recent time in order to provide better service to customer. CRM is always a helpful tool for the management and customer service stuffs which cope up with customer concerns and issues. CRM involves accumulating a lot of data about the customer. And when all the data of customer are being captured, it is then used to facilitate customer service transaction by making the information needed to resolve the issue or concern readily available in order to deal with the customers. Thus, it results in satisfying more customers, which means more profitable business and more resources available to the support stuff. In addition, customer relationship management system is a great help to the management in deciding on the future course of the company