The early stages of the growth of marketing disciplines were considered as selling and no distinction was made between the two terms ‘Marketing’ and ‘Selling’. Some business managers would say that marketing was advertising. It is true that selling and advertising are parts of marketing. Marketing is much more than selling and advertising. Many organizations are involved in developing marketing activities to satisfy the needs of various groups of customers. Very many new concepts like Network marketing, Relationship marketing, Direct marketing are developed and are implemented to reach as many consumers as possible, through them. Satisfying the consumer is the main mantra in today’s marketing activity. With the development of new markets and new avenues of selling, a wide variety of consumer and producer goods have been designed and developed and for many marketing has become a good profession. 



It is satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process

Selling only involves exchange of money for goods or service or an effort to execute the exchange process

Marketing starts before decision of production of goods or services.

Selling starts after decision of production of goods or services

Marketing accords importance to satisfaction of consumers’ wants


Selling emphasizes on sale of products and stresses needs of seller

Marketing has to take into consideration both the internal and external factors of the business

Selling is concerned with the internal factors like production and distribution of goods.

Marketing is a wider term, which includes selling, advertising, customer service and also the distribution of goods.

Selling is the part of marketing and thus it is not a comprehensive term.

It is an integrated approach that utilizes various functional areas of business in order to achieve the long-term objectives of business. Emphasizes on adopting future technology.

It is short-run-oriented and focuses on today’s products and markets. It emphasizes on staying with existing technology and reducing costs.